Monday, April 10, 2017

IfTTT com impacted by Twitters new policy

IfTTT com impacted by Twitters new policy

I have used because it automates a lot of my daily tasks and is simply middleware for the masses. Specifically I find the Twitter archiving function to be really useful. If you are interested, read more about it here.

Unfortunately, due to Twitters new policy, republishing tweets is no longer available via ifttt. Twitter is taking a big gamble here, and move from being a pure conduit/platform company into one of content. Its the developers that makes a platform successful,  win mindshare and generate long-term loyalty. Microsoft knows that very well. Apple pulled it off in the 80s and 90s through Guy Kawasakis charm and spades of love to the developers, smoothing relations with other software development (we call it "app" in todays parlance) companies. 

Perhaps time to switch to

Here is the notification I got from IFTTT in full. For the record I still love IFTTT and will continue to look forward to more great features from them.

In recent weeks, Twitter announced policy changes* that will affect how applications and users like yourself can interact with Twitters data. As a result of these changes, on September 27th we will be removing all Twitter Triggers, disabling your ability to push tweets to places like email, Evernote and Facebook. All Personal and Shared Recipes using a Twitter Trigger will also be removed. Recipes using Twitter Actions and your ability to post new tweets via IFTTT will continue to work just fine.

At IFTTT, first and foremost, we want to empower anyone to create connections between literally anything. Weve still got a long way to go, and to get there we need to make sure that the types of connections that IFTTT enables are aligned with how the original creators want their tools and services to be used.

We at IFTTT are big Twitter fans and, like yourself, weve gotten a lot of value out of the Recipes that use Twitter Triggers. Were sad to see them go, but remain excited to build features that work within Twitters new policy. Thank you for your support and for understanding these upcoming changes. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at

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