Monday, May 1, 2017

Lanjutan Kesalahan Umum Penggunaan Kata Sandang Bahasa Inggris

Lanjutan Kesalahan Umum Penggunaan Kata Sandang Bahasa Inggris

Kesalahan Umum Penggunaan Kata Sandang Dalam Bahasa Inggris lanjutan. kata benda dalam bahasa Inggris bila digunakan dalam pengertian umum tidak membutuhkan kata sandang;tetapi apabila dalam pengertian khusus, membutuhkan kata sandang. Berikut ulasan dan contoh kalimat Penggunaan Kata Sandang Dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Contoh kalimat penggunaan kata sandang secara tepat

Horses are strong animals.
The horses in the field belong to a farmer.

Wisdom is a great virtue.
The wisdom of Solomon was very famous.

Water is necessary to life.
The water in the pot is hot.

Summer is hot season.
The summer of last year was very hot.

English is spoken all over the world.
The English spoken by him very good.

Breakfast is at 8 oclock.
The breakfast I had this morning was delicious.

Blue is my favorite color.
The blue in that picture has faded.


Dalam tingkat perbandingan superlative.

Salah: They bought most expensive furniture in the store.
Benar: They bought the most expensive furniture in the store.

Salah: Richest are not always happiest.
Benar: The richest are not always the happiest.

Dalam bilangan bertingkat

Salah: The student in fifth row was asleep.
Benar: The student in the fifth row was asleep.

Catatan: juga the next, the following, the last, etc.

He arrived on Sunday. On the nextday, he gave his lecture.
On the last day of his visiting, he gave a speech.

Di depan nama sungai, laut, lautan

Salah: Amazon is the largest river in the world.
Benar: The Amazon is the largest river in the world.

Catatan: juga Mississippi, the Euphrat, the Kapuas, etc.

Salah: Mediterranean is a beautiful sea.
Benar The Mediterranean is a beautiful sea.

Catatan: juga the Red Sea, the Black Sea, the Java Sea, etc.

Salah: Atlantic Ocean is on the east of North America.
Benar: The Atlantic Ocean is on the east of North America.

Catatan: juga the Pacific Ocean, the Indonesian Ocean, etc.

Di depan nama Terusan & Teluk

Salah: Zues Canal is in the Middle East.
Benar: The Zues Canal is in the Middle East.

Catatan: juga the Panama Canal, etc.

Salah: Persian Gulf is in the Middle East.
Benar: The Persian Gulf is in the Middle East.

Catatan: juga the Mexico Gulf (the Gulf of Mexico) etc.

Di depan nama Selat & Semenanjung

Salah: Russia and Alaska almost meet at Bering Strait.
Benar: Russia and Alaska almost meet at the Bering Strait.

Catatan: juga the Gibraltar Strait, etc.

Salah: Norway and Sweden occupy Scandinavian Peninsula.
Benar: Norway and Sweden occupy the Scandinavian Peninsula.

Catatan: juga the Liberian Peninsula, etc.

Di depan nama perpustakaan & museum

Salah: British Museum is very famous.
Benar: The British Museum is very famous.

Catatan: juga the Metropolitan Museum, the Louvre, etc.

Salah: French Library is bigger than British Library.
Benar: The French Library is bigger than the British Library.

Di depan arah mata angin

Salah: They used to live in South.
Benar: They used to live in the South.

Catatan: Juga the North, the East, the West, the far East, the Middle East, the North Pole, the Equator, etc.

Di depan nama Hotel

Salah: Royal Hawaiian Hotel is oldest in Honohulu.
Benar: The Royal Hawaiian Hotel is oldest in Honohulu.

Catatan: juga the Indonesia Hotel, the Mandarin Hotel, the Statler Hotel etc.

Di depan nama peristiwa sejarah

Salah: First World War ended in 1918.
Benar: The First World War ended in 1918.

Catatan: the Ming Dynasty, the Middle Ages, the French revolution, the Renaissance, etc.

Di depan gelar Pemerintahan

Salah: Prime Minister of England are both heads of state.
Benar: The Prime Minister of England are both heads of state.

Catatan: juga the Secretary of State, the President, the King he Foreign Minister. etc.

Di depan nama lembaga Hukum, Sipil, dan Militer

Salah: Navy reported the loss of two ships.
Benar: The Navy  reported the loss of two ships.

Catatan: juga the Army, the Air Corps, the Police, the Highway Patrol, the Executive, the Supreme Court, etc.

Di depan nama organisasi

Salah: United Nations is responsible for the World peace.
Benar: The United Nations is responsible for the World peace.

Catatan: juga the Boy Scouts, the Ford Foundation, etc.

Di depan nama Partai Politik

Salah: He belongs to Democratic Party.
Benar: He belongs to the Democratic Party.

Catatan: juga Labor Party, the Conservative Party, the Communist Party, etc.

Di depan nama kebangsaan

Salah: Englishmen are fond of sports.
Benar: The Englishmen are fond of sports.


Incorrect Omissions of: A, AN

Salah: I am not teacher, I am student.
Benar: I am not a teacher, I am a student.

Catatan: kata benda tunggal yang di dahului oleh to be (am, is, was) harus dinyatakan dengan kata sandang tak tentu.

My uncle is an army.
She is a secretary.
It is a dog.

Salah: He drinks half glass of milk.
Benar: He drinks half a glass of milk.

Catatan: kata half harus diikuti oleh kata sandang tak tentu.

Contoh Lain:
I have been waiting for him for half an hour.
It is only half a mile from here to the post office.
Please, give me half a dozen.

Salah: Hundred years make a century.
Benar: A hundred years make a century.

Catatan: hundred dan thousand harus dinyatakan dengan kata sandang bila menunjukkan satu.

Salah: He told the students not to make noise.
Benar: He told the students not to make a noise.

Catatan: juga make a mistake, make a will, make an experiment.

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